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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Peaceful Warrior (Review)

The other day when buying my weekly movies Best Buy had a coupon to see Peaceful Warrior free this weekend. All I had to do was go online and print the movie stubs. I just got back and thought this movie was inspiring. It must be my day for Inspiring movies because I also watched the "Pursuit of Happyness" yes I said Happyness not spelled right but the movie explains why. Getting back to Peaceful Warrior, it is a movie about a UC Berkley Gymnast about my age who drinks a lot, fucks anytime he wants and lives a carefree life. His only goal is to win the gold at the olympics and is close to doing so. Until he met Socrates (Nick Note) and learned that life doesn't have to be about being the best and that all that junk doesn't matter, what matters is that your passion and drive to the process of getting your dream is more important. The guy is then in a motorcyle accident and then has to recover which is what most of the movie is about. The transition from a life of no meaning or purpose to a life of total purpose and meaning. The movie is boring in some parts but is really emotional. I am not saying chick flick but it is interesting, would recommend. Well I am planning to end my week with TMNT so until tomorrow's review.


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