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Wednesday, September 24, 2003

California Recall
God! what a crazy state I live. I just watched the Recall govenor debate that occured at CSUS . I believe that the debate was not much in detail but I still don't know who to vote on. I think that this state and country are so corrupt and I wish that we as a people just get rid of politics all toghether. Well By best friend says that we should split the state into 3 to accomadate the population but I think that wont help. I believe decare war and lose quickly then apply for foreign aid. Well I have several midterms this next two weeks. I also cannot find a job and the next govenor will determine if the state jobs will return. Well I will keep the Join Arnold junk up because everyone attacks him but they are no better. Maybe I should have ran. Everyone all I can say is PRAY to GOD who ever it is. Beacuse "Angeles and Ministers of Grace Defend us" (HAMLET Act 1, Scene 4)
PS I am posting the sacramento bee's news about the debate.

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